The surprising benefits of my ruthless daily review (and I get a little better each day)

I wrap each day with a ritual that includes asking myself 5 blunt questions.

I ruthlessly ask myself how the day went, what I learned, and explore how to do better as I reflect and plan the next day. It’s a space for candor and brutal honesty about how and where I spend my time and energy.

I do not ask what I’m grateful for.

You’d think that level of blunt candor leads to dark places.

I figured the pursuit of improvement was worth the risk.

The surprising result is I have more self-compassion.

The candor to see the situation clearly set me free.

The ritual had the unexpected benefit of separating the actions from the actor (me). Instead of focusing only on unmet expectations, I review a record that shows my progress or what got in the way.

It only takes 5 questions and as many minutes for me to shift my perspective.

I’m not only kinder to myself, I’m happier, too.

Sometimes I even celebrate (a little).

I didn’t expect a ruthless ritual to make me kinder and happier, but it works so well I won’t stop.



Michael Santarcangelo | Security Catalyst

Connects security to business results, helping security leaders earn recognition as business leaders who deliver value (and know security)