3 ways I take care of myself each day (so I can serve others better)

Taking care of yourself is hard.

Life has taught me I need to “put my oxygen mask on first” to help others.

Unfortunately, when I first got interested in really taking care of myself, I had a hard time figuring out where to start.

So, if you are trying to learn more about taking care of yourself, here’s the 3 core elements of my day:

  • Breathing practice: I use the one deep breath app to guide daily practice on learning to breathe better and tracking my progress. I get energy and focus in only a few minutes a day.
  • (guided) Mediation: after different approaches, I’m blown away by the power of the Balance app and use it daily for morning intentions, occasional resets, and preparing for sleep.
  • Infrared Sauna: the priciest on the list, I invested in a portable infrared sauna last year to help with autoimmune conditions and overall health. It’s now a sacred time of my day because of the clarity I get from 25 minutes of sweating.

Taking care of our mind and bodies allows us to help more people.

How do you take care of yourself?



Michael Santarcangelo | Security Catalyst

Connects security to business results, helping security leaders earn recognition as business leaders who deliver value (and know security)