3 steps to stop wasting time chasing good ideas from bad information (and have energy to take action on the good ideas)

Stop wasting time trying to mine good ideas from bad information.

We drown in information as we starve for actionable insight. Noise distracts us from signal. We end up working too hard to get too little value in return, with no energy left for action.

I’ve been exploring how to filter inputs to start with higher quality, but that’s not enough.

I’m learning that we need to follow three steps to improving the quality of information we consume to get actionable insights.

1. Reframe your relationship with information

We don’t need to finish what we start.

Good writing is about the story, and the way the author brings it to life. Not all writing is good or delivers value. And even when the writing is good, you don’t need to capture everything.

Instead, set a goal to pull 2–3 good ideas you can use now.

2. Start with better sources

Rely on trusted recommendations for new material.

Read the reviews, especially the negative reviews. Look for a sense of fit for your needs.

Consider services like “Short Form” to help make selections.

3. Explore better ways to consume information

Skim or read the book quickly to check fit.

Consider how to combine audio with the written word. Explore faster speeds and listening before, during, or after reading to reinforce key concepts.

Try mind mapping the book before reading to get a sense of the content and build a plan to get what you need.

Get more value you can translate into action by changing how you think about getting value from information, improving the sources, and testing different ways to find the 2–3 insights you need.



Michael Santarcangelo | Security Catalyst

Connects security to business results, helping security leaders earn recognition as business leaders who deliver value (and know security)